Quart et alia

She had always said that she would never be that woman. The one who woke up and wished she was blissfully asleep again because it had dawned on her, yet again, that her life was totally shit. She lived with a nagging in the pit of her stomach that a solution was just out of … Continue reading Quart et alia

Tim…nice but dim

He knew the nickname they used for him. It could have been alot worse and had been in the past. He ignored their patronising glances at each other, behind his back. He focussed on his job. Eyes forward. Like a blinkered Shire horse. One foot in front of the other. He would stock the shelves, … Continue reading Tim…nice but dim

Conversant Sleb

She spotted him in the bar at the Soho Theatre whilst waiting for her drink. Their eyes met for a faint moment. He seemed to catch her gaze rather than the other way round. Did she know him? Or had he recognised her from somewhere. Was he a distant relative? Her being the wrong side … Continue reading Conversant Sleb

Let Him in Constancy.

Constant Kiran remembered the drive to the country as if it was yesterday, not four decades ago, in the mid-seventies. They had all bundled into the family Nissan Sunny and sped off to a discounted-furniture store in the countryside that smelled of lavender and hay. Her younger brother, Dev, and sister, Leela, had initially been … Continue reading Let Him in Constancy.

Waiting for the Present

Present I spotted these Gondoliers killing time in Venice last month. The scene reminded me of a saying from my school days about the child who was asked by his teacher to 'sit and wait for the present' and was then surprised that nothing came of the promise and he was then told it was … Continue reading Waiting for the Present


She didn't like having to put on the costume in the street. Macie had scurried  to swap places with Celia, who spotting her in the distance, had immediately starting pulling off the bits of the outfit and flinging them onto the green shopper in a hurry to get away for her overdue break. This parading … Continue reading Costumery